Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education are C (Plain) Mean Grade in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (KCSE) or its equivalent as equated by KNEC. The candidate will also be required to have scored at least C (plain) in English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, one humanity subject and at least in one science subject.

For applicants with special needs, the entry requirement is Mean Grade C- (Minus) and also a C- (Minus) in the cluster of subjects shown above.

Duration of the Training

The duration of Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) is three years. The trainee is expected to cover course material for 3,000 hours.

Subjects Offered

The trainee undertaking DPTE shall take all courses specified in the DPTE curriculum which includes professional courses and subject learning areas in the Primary School Curriculum.

Award of Diploma

To be awarded the diploma, the trainee must complete the required hours for coursework and pass stipulated assessment by the college and KNEC. The trainee will be expected to also cover the stipulated hours of practicum. The diploma will be awarded by KNEC upon passing all the stipulated assessments and practicums.